❧ Troy Law leads the nation’s wage-and-hour and employment litigation advocacy. An expanding boutique law firm, we handle more than 300 cases in federal and state courts across the nation, one of the nation’s largest. ☙

As a top-tier litigation firm, Troy Law offers a variety of legal services to our clients in throughout the United States, providing professional service in the immigrants’ native language, including those who would otherwise be unable to afford to have their voices heard in court. 

To fiercely advocate for our clients’ cause at court, we take only the best of the best. Our attorneys are selected for their commitment to embrace diversity, empower the weak, and serve the public. They are admitted in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts State Bars, and in appellate, bankruptcy, and district court throughout the nation. Our team is multilingual and speak Chinese, Spanish, French, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese.

For more information on our education, work history, and demonstrated dedication to our clientele, click on the biography of each staff member below.

We practice what we preach. Since the firm’s beginning in 1989, Troy Law is an equal opportunity employer, believing that our diversity reflects our diverse but complementary approaches to critically thinking about case strategy and solutions. If you are interested in joining the firm, please visit our Careers page.


Managing Attorney

Headed by Mr. Troy, Troy Law is the nation’s leading Plaintiffs’-side employment wage-and-hour firm.



A lawyer, inventor and entrepreneur, Mr. Thomas heads the firms’ consumer protection practice.


Managing Associate

Mr. Schweitzer has successfully litigated and favorably resolved over 100 collective and class wage-and-hour and discrimination actions.


Of Counsel

Ms. Troy litigates employment and consumer protection class actions, as well as bankruptcy, personal injuries, immigration, matrimonial and defamation actions.


Senior Paralegal

As the Senior Paralegal with a focus on employment litigation, Ms. Beck assists employees whose rights have been violated under the law.


Technology and Local Counsel Coordinator

Mr. Tsai oversees Troy Law’s international office technology and national local counsel network.


Certified Public Accountant

Ms. Huang specializes in Payroll Forensics and Business Evaluations of pay records pertaining to Troy Law clients.

❧ In our advocacy for individual employees and consumers, we receive mentions from the press

❧ Troy Law specializes in collective and class employment and consumer protection litigation at state and federal levels. Click to view a representative list of cases in which our firm has appeared as the attorney of record. ☙

Troy Law is committed to a diverse workforce and to providing equal employment opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability or genetic information.

Call us today at (718) 762-1324 for a free telephone consultation with our experienced attorneys.