❧ Office Manager ☙
❧ Ms. Kilaru manages the docket to ensure delivery of the best outcomes for our clients.☙

As Office Manager, Ms. Kilaru manages the docket to ensure delivery of the best outcomes for our clients.
Ms. Kilaru received her L.L.M. from SMU Dedman School of Law and her B.A. and L.L.B. from the CMR Law School at Karnataka State Law University. Ms. Kilaru brings to Troy Law her extensive experience in consumer protection and civil litigation.
Kilaru is fluent in English, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu and Tamil.
❧ In our advocacy for individual employees and consumers, we receive mentions from the press ☙
❧ Troy Law specializes in collective and class employment and consumer protection litigation at state and federal levels. Click to view a representative list of cases in which our firm has appeared as the attorney of record. ☙
Call us today at (718) 762-1324 for a free telephone consultation with our experienced attorneys.