❧ Technology Coordinator ☙
❧ Mr. Tsai oversees Troy Law’s informational technology and its Taipei branch office.☙

Alfred Tsai oversees Troy Law’s informational technology and its Taipei branch office. At Troy Law, he previously managed office finances and handled immigration, matrimonial, and real estate cases. He later assists in federal Fair Labor Stands Act litigation practice, enforcement of money judgments, and local counsel networks outside New York.
Mr. Tsai is former executive assistant at Universal Incorporation, a publicly-traded manufacturing company in Taiwan. At the University of Wisconsin–Madison, he served leadership positions in the Asian Law Students Association (ALSA) and Student Association of Taiwan (SAT). He previously worked as a judicial intern at the local federal district court and with Columbia Business School’s Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB) and Columbia University’s Weatherhead East Asian Institute. He has volunteered with the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation. He is passionate about Taiwanese politics and Chinese culture and follows business and technology developments.
Mr. Tsai holds a J.D. from University of Wisconsin Law School and a B.A. from Columbia University. He is a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese and proficient in Taiwanese.
❧ In our advocacy for individual employees and consumers, we receive mentions from the press ☙
❧ Troy Law specializes in collective and class employment and consumer protection litigation at state and federal levels. Click to view a representative list of cases in which our firm has appeared as the attorney of record. ☙
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