
Troy Law believes in workplace diversity. Workplace discrimination includes being treated worse off because of your protected class status, which includes your race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, sex, pregnancy, religion, age, or disability by your boss or your co-workers.
Retaliation is the most frequently alleged basis of retaliation and the most common discrimination finding in federal sector cases. If you asserted your right or the right of others to be free of employment discrimination–including harassment–then you are protected from retaliation.
“As Defendants’ counsel points out, Plaintiffs stand to recover via the proposed Settlement Agreements over 100% of what they calculate as the damages they could recover at trial. Such a recovery is fair and does not run afoul of the FLSA’s remedial purposes.” Hybrid employment wage-and-hour and discrimination litigation where the court found the recovery to be fair and reasonable.
Since 1989, Troy Law has committed itself to advocating for victims of discrimination across the nation. Call us for a preliminary screening session. If we take your case, we will advocate for you against your employer’s discriminatory misconduct, whatever form it may take.
Call us today at (718) 762-1324 for a free telephone consultation with our experienced attorneys.